This comic deals with some heavy themes and may be offensive to some readers. Discretion is advised. This comic is rated Web-14. Nudity: 3; Sexual content: 3; Violence:4; Language: 3. Scale is from 0-4.

My Shoutbox

Hear how the names are pronounced
Pic Stats History

Satogo Ameko
(sah-toh-goh ah-meh-koh)
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Birthday: July 12
Height: 158cm (5'2")
Weight: 50kg (110lbs)
Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Ameko is very genki, but she has a bad temper. She likes to swim and play soccer. She likes flowers. At the beginning of the series, her boyfriend is Kourai Wataru. She and her friends attend Suzaka Kita High School in Nagano Prefecture.

Satogo Kazuaki
(sah-toh-goh kah-zoo-ah-kee)
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Birthday: October 24
Height: 178cm (5'10")
Weight: 66kg (145lbs)
Hair: Some weirdy bluey violety color
Eye: Blue
Kazuaki is one of those dreamy guys whom all the girls like and all the guys hate. He's a tortured soul, but he keeps everything to himself, so nobody can tell. He likes soccer.

Kourai Wataru
(KOH-rye wah-tah-roo)
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Birthday: May 1
Height: 182cm (6')
Weight: 72kg (160lbs)
Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Not Yet Introduced

Kingawa Motoshi
(keen-gah-wah moh-toh-shee)
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Birthday: August 27
Height: 172cm (5'8")
Weight: 63kg (140lbs)
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Green
Not Yet Introduced

Haruna Misae
(hah-roo-nah mee-sah-eh)
Age: 15
Grage: 10
Birthday: February 29
Height: 165cm (5'5")
Weight: 59kg (130lbs)
Hair: Dark Violet
Eye: Brown
Misae has been Ameko's best friend since 5th grade. She lives in a very large house. Her parents are rich, and are rarely ever home. They have a male housekeeper who's always at the house. Misae hates him with a passion.

Haruna Rumi
(hah-roo-nah roo-mee)
Age: 14
Grage: 8
Birthday: September 16
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Weight: 54kg (120lbs)
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Brown
Rumi is Misae's sister. She's currently studying in America.

Shimura Tonami
(shee-moo-rah toh-nah-mee)
Age: 27
Occupation: Junior High Teacher
Birthday: July 25
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Weight: 52kg (115lbs)
Hair: Brown
Eye: Violet
Not Yet Introduced

Uda Himiko
(oo-dah hee-mee-koh)
Grade: 10
Birthday: March 29
Height: 165cm (5'5")
Weight: 55kg (120lbs)
Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Not Yet Introduced

Kano Midori
(kah-noh mee-doh-ree)
Age: 13
Grade: 8
Birthday: January 6
Height: 148cm (4'10")
Weight: 42kg (90lbs)
Hair: Green
Eye: Green
Not Yet Introduced
Ashley McCann
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Birthday: April 3
Height: 168cm (5'6")
Weight: 66kg (145lbs)
Hair: Red
Eye: Blue
Not Yet Introduced
Suzaka Kita High School
Japanese Name: Nagano-ken Suzaka Kita Koutougakkou or Suzaka Kita Koukou
(nah-gan-noh-kehn soo-zah-kah kee-tah koh-toh-gah//koh)
Principal: Tanemori Seitarou
Student Body: About 1000 students
Founded: 1972
Suzaka Kita High School is a general education school, located in the city of Suzaka in the prefecture of Nagano. It isn't very elite. Pretty much people who live in Suzaka who don't want to travel far to go to school or those who don't have big plans for college go there. It is a very good school, and has a good educational system, it just gives students a low-pressure situation (if they want it.) There are still a lot of clubs and facilities for the students to use, even though the student body isn't very big. It has a small exchange program with Springfield, MO.
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Shinseki and all realated artwork, characters and concepts are © 2004-2007 Chelsea R. Meininger. Any reproduction without the creator's permission is strictly prohibited.