This comic deals with some heavy themes and may be offensive to some readers. Discretion is advised. This comic is rated Web-14. Nudity: 3; Sexual content: 3; Violence:4; Language: 3. Scale is from 0-4.

My Shoutbox

The people from whom I got stuff, and why deserve credit! XD

Xepher Screentones
This is where I got my screentones from.

This is where I got my font, "Comic Book"

Comic Genesis
This is where the site for Shinseki is hosted. *Shameless sucking up*
Shinseki is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

Shinseki and all realated artwork, characters and concepts are © 2004-2007 Chelsea R. Meininger. Any reproduction without the creator's permission is strictly prohibited.